A number of start-ups and small businesses dive into the abyss due to the lack of visibility and radiance on the world wide web. Although a requisite, it is a taxing chore to reach out to your targeted audience and persuade them with suave eloquence to give your product (or service) at least a try. The digital era has revolutionized the process to a lenient and efficient way with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). After all, search engines are where people huddle to navigate through the incalculable volume of information to cherry-pick their desired data.
SEO is comprised of a variety of techniques and strategies to make your enterprise flare intently to magnetize and pull the audience you deserve. It employs blogs, images, and links along with the researched keywords to amplify your online presence and bring about the relevancy to your products and services. But anything this stupendous must have a powerful recoil which could place a heavy toll if done with just the conjecture.
So, here are the dos and don’ts to succeed in search engine optimization.
1. Research keywords
The foremost aspect of search engine optimization is the keyword research. You have to analyze and determine the keyword for which you are ranking. Keyword analysis delivers you with the clear statistics on the most searched keywords and helps you to devise a strategy on how to rank with the identified keyword. Even if you see yourself slipping behind in the rank, using the right keywords can reinforce your position.
2. Build content pivoting the keyword
The content you publish must be closely related to your keyword. Cut out the redundant information that is overhanging to summate the crispness to the content. Embedding keywords don’t mean repeating the keyword over and over again. The search engines are becoming smarter and are able to understand the related words and sentences. Support your keywords with relevant content.
3. Be region-specific
If you want to get prominent in a specific region or if your business is limited to a specific region, rank your website with region-specific keywords as you don’t want to wage a search engine war against the multinationals and global leaders. Being conspicuous of the regions get you ranked based on the local competition rather compete all over the world.
4. Get listed in Google places
Google makes a free list of local business places for all the regions. Getting yourself listed is an efficient way to connect with your customers. And, you have not more than seconds to reel in your audience. If your potential audience has to search for your location, he/she might lose interest by the time he finds your business location. Get listed in every place your business is operating for improved prospects.
5. Emphasis on mobile friendly websites
Mobile friendly and responsive designs are highly favoured by Google as they improve the user experience. So, for Google to shine upon you, create mobile-optimized websites. Also, optimize your image size to fit perfectly with the rest of the website. If your website is loading slowly because of the image sizes, it would put your customers off.
1. Overstuff keywords
Not just humans, even Google hates re-reading the same words. Trying to outsmart Google by stuffing the keywords in a conjecture that it will improve your ranking is not smart at all. Further, no one wants to read a prose that recites something like ‘use keywords because using keywords ranks top in Google as Google ranks websites with keywords’.
2. Embed too many external links
Search engines scrutinize every inch of the website, and if they discover too many external links, there is a high chance that they might consider it as spam or worse: they might take yours for a directory website. Overusing any segment of the content will be dealt with an unforgettable backlash. Google even states that websites can be penalized for using unnatural ways of external linking, so beware.
3. Copy large pieces from other websites
Search engines always side with the original works. While pickpocketing small parts might not cause much of an effect, copying a large piece will further push you behind in the ranking. Adopting the presentation of content or theme from competent web developers can be overlooked, but a ditto of another website is highly condemnable.
4. Fake reviews
Faking a review is a competent skill which only a gifted few possess. It takes wisdom and brilliance to do such a delicate work. Although many claims to have mastered the art, it is highly unlikely for you to come across one. Even if you have found one, a minuscule part of doubt is all it takes to jeopardize your entire operation. And at some point, one will always get caught. So, staying away from it is the best option available.
5. Disregard your online reputation
Ensure to deliver your services in the best way possible and with the utmost perfection. Although gratifying every single customer is an unattainable feat, have an eye on your reviews and how your enterprise is perceived in the online community. Contemplate all the possible way to improvise your service and test it out. Practically speaking, one bad review will not look grave, but always consider the possibility of it becoming perilous. So make ample steps necessary to hike your good reviews and reputation.
These are some of the techniques to accentuate your business profile. Get in touch to know about our dictionary of strategies and services to set up an imperial podium for your enterprise.