Email Marketing Is Much More Than Just Spam

Email Marketing Is Much More Than Just Spam
Posted on 24th July 2018

By the word ‘Email Marketing’, most of you will remember the bombardments of spam emails you are receiving every day. But that is just email marketing at its worst. Done right, email marketing can be an effective tool to bring in new customers and to build a strong relationship with them.

What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing implies the effective use of emails to promote products and services. With the right strategy and technique, it could help you to convert your potential customers into loyal ones.

The Proven Method of Email Marketing

Personalized emails can create a positive impact on your customers as it carries a personal touch and associate with your customers emotionally. It also shows how much the company values their customers. Birthdays and anniversaries are the right time for personal discounts.

Sending a limited number of emails establishes your newsletters to be of something important, and it makes it hard for your customers to ignore your email. You can offer discounts to a specific group of customers whom you think has a higher probability of buying the product or service. You can also use emails to make important announcements once you have been furnished as can’t-be-ignored.

Advantages of Email marketing:

A piece of Cake:

It is extremely easy to set up an email marketing campaign as all it demands is to create and manage emails.

Cost Efficient:

It takes limited resource to set up an email marketing campaign. Most of your expenses are for the design and the content of the email.


What’s most valuable in email marketing is the data you collect with every email. You get to know the age group of your customers and you know the population who is responding to your emails. You can also keep track of the sales conversion ratio of the emails to identify the necessary changes needed for the strategy.

Still Not Convinced?

More than 90% of the internet users have an email id which is larger than the percentage of social media users. And an increased number of adult internet users prefer email marketing methods.

It allows you to target your advertisements and discounts for various demographic groups individually, and there is a wide range of formatting options you can choose from to design your emails based on your target customer.

There is a good chance for some of your social media posts to go unnoticed, but that is not the case with emails. It will remain in their inbox until they see the mail. Your customers can voluntarily sign up for your newsletter through your website and social media posts if your products and services are relevant to them which further increases your customer base.

Our Recommendations:

  • Instead of buying a list of emails, build your own list of customers. It gives you a valid base on whom to target than just spam random users.
  • It is a must to provide a button to unsubscribe from your newsletter. You can eliminate the general annoyance and the risk of being labelled as a spammer. This also helps you to not tarnish the reputation of your company.
  • You can also send tips and valuable suggestions through email to build a rapport with your audience to gain a loyal customer circle.
  • With every day, the knack for creativity among the young generation is consistently stacking up. So be as creative as you can be to become a well-known company in a short period of time.
  • Schedule your emails at the right time. Sending emails at the midnight is rarely fruitful unless it is a special occasion.
  • Redirect your traffic to the landing page instead of just linking it to your homepage for better sales conversion.
  • Design your emails to grab the bull by the horn - it should display the most catchy feature at the top. A large number of businesses use images to convey their purpose efficiently.

Email Marketing must have a flair to create a strong impact. Of all the things about email marketing, flooding a large number of emails every day to a large number of email addresses stating, ‘XX% discount for so-and-so products only for you, only today’ is simply a waste of time. You should have a dedicated team to design and analyze the emails for better results.